Béla Illés
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
We warmly welcome all students for the course “Basics of Logistics”. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students with the most important fundamentals of the science of logistics, which in these days are essential for the proper operation of the material-flow systems of any producing or service company. At the adequate sections, the curriculum also places a strong emphasis on the joint handling of the material and information-flows, together with an emphasis on the process-oriented approach, as these are also essential in the current operation of logistics systems.
In these days, the relevance of logistics as an interdisciplinary practical science is very obvious. This can be traced back to multiple reasons. First of all, the economic productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of manufacturing and service companies and organizations are highly dependent on the field of logistics, and so a good knowledge of logistics has high value on the job market. Another reason is that to analyze, understand, optimally design and operate a large and complex logistics system requires the cooperative work of a substantial number of highly skilled professionals, since the field of logistics utilizes the latest advances in informatics, electronics, automation, telecommunications, and applied mathematics, combined with knowledge of relevant areas in management and economics. From an educational perspective, logistics is also useful because it is an integrated practical subject that teaches a comprehensive methodology for the analysis and development of complex logistics systems, while placing a strong emphasis on a process orientation and system approach. And because the practical science of logistics is especially suitable for providing a wide array of industrial and scientific problems, it can help you to improve your creative skills and professional confidence.
The course has several detailed objectives: to introduce fundamentals of logistics systems that are widely applicable in practice; to introduce the main principles implemented in logistics education at the Institute of Logistics, which include the solving of diverse practical problems and using rather sophisticated mathematical modeling and problem solving tools; and to provide information from the state-of-the-art international professional literature and problems that build upon the wide spectrum of R&D activities carried out at the Institute of Logistics.
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Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #2