Oliver Hornyak, PhD
associate professor
It is particularly important for students interested in Information Technology to receive an introduction to the world of Technical Communication and the fundamentals of Information Systems. This will serve as the foundation for further high-level IT courses, such as programming languages and managing computer networks or databases.
So, what are the subjects of Systematic Approach to IT Systems course?
We will introduce the basics of mathematical logic and how computers process arithmetical and logical commands. Would you have thought that the memory is made up of logic circuits? We'll show you how. We will tell you about the evolution of computer hardware and its historical background. You’ll learn how the personal computer works, and how the pieces of hardware work together.
In addition, we need to introduce some basic concepts, such as: the information that we are going to investigate from various aspects. The course material will show you how to work with digital computers and in particular we will focus on binary system applications. The course will tell you how computers store data, integer numbers, real numbers and texts.
In the course students will gain an insight into coding and data encryption. Regarding the coding system, we will show how you can perform encodings, and compress your data. This has great practical importance in image and audio compression as well. There are also codes that you can use to encrypt your data. Everyone wants personal information and private communications to be kept secret. In this course you learn about the most secure encryption techniques presently used. You will understand why in practice it is impossible to decrypt.
We will discuss the basics of XML communication as well. The basic concepts and the practical application of XML transformation will be also detailed. Of course, this topic requires many examples to help understand it.
In the course we will deal with the basics of software development as well. We’ll tell you what software technology is and define the concept of software, and we’ll talk about open and closed software. We tell about the "birth" of the software, so the steps of software development. To emphasize the importance of testing and test-driven development fundamentals, we will tell you about these as well.
Last but not least, a very interesting topic will be shown, computerized geometric design. These lessons will tell you how to use a Computer-Aided Design tool. You will be able to design virtual geometric shapes and to model parts with your computer.
associate professor
associate professor
senior Lecturer